UF Grantee Delegation Program Flash News List | Blockchain.News

List of Flash News about UF Grantee Delegation Program

Time Details
2024-10-01 22:10
Uniswap Foundation Highlights UF Grantee Delegation Program

According to Uniswap Foundation, traders and stakeholders can gain insights into the UF Grantee Delegation Program and its objectives by reading a detailed explanation from UF's Head of Governance, Erin Koen, available on Mirror. (Source)

2024-10-01 22:09
Uniswap Delegates Voting Rights to AtriumAcademy and ScopeLift

According to Uniswap Foundation, AtriumAcademy and ScopeLift have been granted delegated voting rights for 500,000 UNI each under the UF Grantee Delegation Program. These rights are renewable every six months. (Source)